Air Pollution: A problematic of many cities
Day by day we are in a common space called earth, in
this space we can share, learn and live but the difficult is when we don’t
conscious about our role in the social dynamic, as main character that would be
beneficiary or adversely affect for own acts. For this reason the ecological
conscious has been consolidated like a style life, but unfortunately don´t all
of us are in the same thinking, because the multinationals and large companies
are indiscriminately destroyed our natural resources for make money whatever
the cost. Our government has been permission without thinking in the
consequences for the Colombian people. In this moment is worried the ecological
situation for the illegal mining, mass production, the huge vehicles amount and
the fracking, all that impairs the quality of life worldwide, the Colombia’s
cities are not exception.
According to BOGOTA’S Secretaría Distrital de
Movilidad (District Mobility Secretariat) In December 2013 there were 1,447,335
private vehicles registered in the city, representing a 76 percent increase in
vehicles in only seven years (Americas Quarterly, 2014). This great amount of
transport emissions becomes one of the main causes of contamination in the air.
The dangerous concentrations of particulate matter (PM10) are firing the
environmental alerts. These 3 particles are able to penetrate the respiratory
system, leading to various debilitating illnesses like asthma, bronchitis and
other respiratory infections. The District Secretary of Health in Bogotá has
claimed that respiratory illnesses are the number one cause of infant mortality
in the capital. Around 600,000 children under the age of five are treated for
respiratory problems every year. For a citizen in Bogotá, finding a way to
fight the damage a situation like these causes, it’s almost impossible.
On other hand, in cities like PASTO, the air pollution
until now is not a dangerous problematic, but chaotic traffic is almost a
synonymous of pollution not only for the vehicles but also for the
deterioration of streets and roads what means too much dust and more air
pollution, so this problematic could be just a matter time in PASTO, because
the transport infrastructure presents cracks and deficiencies everywhere.
Mobility is nothing more than a frustrated wish for all. As a result of the
prevailing failures, talking about a clean model in terms of pollutants is also
a dream that has not been reached. Traffic congestion is also a result of chaos
and disorder and of course the environmental damage that this produces is
incalculable. (Pobreza en Pasto, factor de contaminacion, 2013)
In addition, the vehicles or cars are not the only
cause of air pollution, there is another reasons like industries and factories,
for example in CHIQUINQUIRA there are areas that contribute the most
contaminating factors to the air by emissions from fixed sources (industries),
due to activities such as production of refined salt, glass, brick making, coke
manufacturing, metal foundation, auto parts, clay manufacturing, others
Approximately 95 tons are generated by brick and ceramic production, placing
CHIQUINQUIRA within the high level contaminated areas of the CAR jurisdiction.
In 2012 according to The World Health Organization’s
data the air pollution was the responsible for the death of 6.5 millions of
people, it has been five years since then, and for sure now the problem is
worse worldwide, the lacks in information, prevention and disinterested calm
towards the topic is what is blinding us to take special treatments as
citizens, there is no really a place we can hide from the air pollution we are
obligated to breath every day, every moment everyone is breathing this air also
everyone should be responsible for the air quality. That’s why it is important
to remember that part of the solution it’s somehow in our hands too, by
deciding to use ecological means of transportation, avoid the indiscriminate
burning of garbage, not causing wildfires and following the laws of the
acceptable condition of automobiles not for fear at the monetary consequences
but the health consequences, etc. Of course, to tell you the truth, we all know
that the real solution comes from the policies made by the government
institutions, even when there have been some efforts and proposals, these
efforts haven’t been enough, this means incompetence of the regulations or
there is not attention and interest by the authorities. It is clear that
Environmental Secretary and Minister are responsible to create the laws and
policies that will allow the institutions to make the necessary changes to stop
the gasses that produce the air pollution we are force to breath on daily
bases, it is time to treat the air pollution as something serious and real in
our country.
T. (2013). Speakout Advanced p 27. Expressing Opinions. ExtraVocabulary.
Retrieve from
Lozano, Nancy, Air
Pollution in Bogotá, Colombia: A Concentration-Response Approach. Desarrollo y Sociedad
[Online] 2004, (September): [Fecha de consulta: 19 de noviembre de 2017]
Disponible en:
J. (October, 2016). La pequeña gran
mentira de la contaminación en Bogotá. [Online – El Tiempo]. Consulted and available from
K. (2014). Gasping for a Solution to Bogotá’s Air Pollution Problem. Americas
Quarterly. Retrieve from:
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